"Good People Drink Good Beer" ~Hunter S. Thompson.
This brewery is awesome! They were the first brewery in Aspen in over 100 years and were headquartered out of Denver, CO. They stopped producing beer there in January 2008 and moved all of their production to Fredericks, MA. Their business headquarters is still in Denver.
There are three great reasons to come to this brewery.
1. Ralph Steadman's art work is ridiculously awesome! His work was plastered all of over the walls of their old brewery location which has a bar attached.RalphSteadman.com 2. They use a Hunter S. Thompson quote as their main motto3. Great beer. My favorite being the Gonzo Imperial Porter named after 'Gonzo' journalism pioneered by Hunter S. Thompson and can best be seen in the timeless movie 'Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas' staring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro.This brewery gets a solid A!
Flying Dog Brewery2401 Blake Street
ph: 303-292-5027
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